Victory Hours of Power!
January 22nd
Join us on Zoom 10 CST
This is the start of a New Year and we are dedicating the first of our time to Him. We are embarking on a 21 day fast and will be climaxing on January 22nd for Hours or Power for this Victory Service. The service will be virtual so you can join us from anywhere!
Warring In Writing
January 26
Join us on Zoom 10 CST
It all begins with an idea. These powerful authors are coming together to discuss challenges and testimonies from their books. 2022 delivered many people from their past and God is using His people to reach the lost. Join us to have a talk about these books released by our very own.
Workshop through Secrets
Date in March TBD
Location TBD
God laid it on our Pastor’s heart to write a workshop to guide us through the struggles and chains that the devil uses to keep us bound. We will workshop our secrets and fellowship with one another, breaking our chains and creating bonds!
Medical Mission to Honduras.
We are partnering with World Gospel Organization to meet physical and spiritual needs and to share the Gospel. We will providing free medical, dental, and optical care.
WWPM is a church with no walls. We are here to empower, equip, and encourage the people in the kingdom. God is the Bread of Life and Living Water!
Help us to make a difference!
Reach for the Lost
Blanket Drive
It is never too early to begin preparing for the winter. We want to be a blessing to those who do not have what they need in a time when sickness is high and people are cold. Lets allow God to use us by providing care and kindness.
Last year, God blessed us to be a blessing to many with $5,000. This may not seem like a lot, but this is with the help of your donations and offerings. The ministry is growing, and we take every need seriously. Join us in helping the kingdom of God. Nothing is too small!
For Moe Healing
The Lord called my oldest daughter home in May 2021. Because so little is known about the disease, there was no real plan. But God had a plan. We are founding a organization in honor of my daughter Mozell for healing of the body and soul of persons affected by this disease. Donate now to help reach our goals!